Rock Island Lighthouse & Island Habitats Virtual Field Trip
A Distance Learning Guide for Educators and Guardians
Save The River is committed to providing quality educational programs and resources for formal and informal educators throughout our region. Distance Learning has become the new norm due to the NYS On Pause Executive Order. While Save The River plans to host in person educator trainings, field trips and K-12 educational programs when we are safely able to come together once again, we have developed Virtual Learning Field Trips and Resources for students, parents, and educators who are interested in learning more about the St. Lawrence River.
Close your eyes. Imagine you are boarding a Clayton Island Tours tour boat. We are on our way to the historic NY State Park’s Rock Island Lighthouse! Along our way to the island you hear the sounds “keearr… kearr!” This is the call of the common tern calling to their mate. You see an osprey dive into the water to catch a fish and a common loon giving their young a ride on their back! What is that very large bird soaring overhead? That is a great blue heron on the way to its nest high above the trees!
By attending this virtual field trip to Rock Island Lighthouse, your students will become naturally curious about St. Lawrence River, island habitats and the people and wildlife that rely on them. Your students will learn about the importance of island habitats and how plants and animals depend on one another for survival. Students will make observations about animals that benefit from island habitats and how lighthouses keep people, the River and wildlife safe. Your students will also learn how Save The River and the Minna Anthony Common Nature Center work together to protect the river and educate students.
Featured Lesson Video:
Rock Island Aquatic Birds • Virtual Field Trip
The Rock Island Lighthouse virtual field trip can be integrated into classroom curriculum and addresses New York State Science and(or) ELA Learning Standards with a focus on K-3 grade levels. Save The River can work with you to tailor pre-and post discussion content to meet your classroom needs.
The Rock Island Lighthouse virtual field trip can be integrated into classroom curriculum and addresses New York State Science and(or) ELA Learning Standards with a focus on K-3 grade levels.
Save The River can work with you to tailor pre-and post discussion content to meet your classroom needs.
Integrating NYS Learning Standards
*For more information please visit NYS P-12 Science Learning Standards and NYS Next Generation ELA Standards
Interested in learning more about our educational opportunities? Save The River is always happy to work with new teachers and find ways to create meaningful lessons for students.
Fill out the form here and a member of our educational team will respond to see what options make sense for your classroom whether that is in person or a virtual experience.
There are many additional fun and educational activities you can use to engage your students with St. Lawrence River island habitats both in the classroom or during distance learning. In addition make sure to follow our Facebook Page to learn more about what Save The River is doing to protect our waterways, and to stay up to date on upcoming adult and youth educational opportunities.