On Monday, March 7th Save The River sent this secondary letter to John Petrilla, Acting Environmental Branch Chief, at U.S. Customs and Border Protection stating our opposition to the application to build the US Customs and Border Protection Facility in the Blind Bay area at Fisher’s Landing, Town of Orleans, NY.
From the letter: “The Draft Environmental Assessment (DEA) prepared for the project is deficient in many ways. As a result, the project should be scrapped entirely. In reviewing this DEA, the U.S. Customs and Border Protections (CBP) has failed to take a hard look at several extremely significant environmental impacts that can be expected, and thus a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is in error. If the CBP does decide to continue with evaluating this project, it will need to conduct a full Environmental Impact Statement and open the project to complete public review. At the very beginning, there has been no outreach to the local and state agencies that know more about this site than the CBP and its contractors. An elementary look would have revealed that the proposed project violates local zoning ordinances, is proposed in a New York State designated wetlands area, would impact critical habitat for multiple aquatic and land-based species (some of which are endangered or threatened under federal and state law), and is within direct eyeline of Thousand Island Park, which is on the National Register of Historic Places. Failure to use the scoping process available, 43 CFR 46.235, resulted in these most obvious errors.”
Your Voice Is Needed!
Click here to send a letter right now!
Sample Script for Contacting U.S. Customs and Border Protections on their proposed facility in the Blind Bay