Hosted by New York Sea Grant
Working with Nature to Protect the St. Lawrence River Shoreline Workshop
July 22 Workshop in Ogdensburg, Includes Tour of Fort La Presentation Site as a Living Demonstration
Ogdensburg, New York. New York Sea Grant (NYSG), in cooperation with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), New York State Department of State, Save The River, and St. Lawrence County Planning Department, will hold a Working with Nature to Protect the St. Lawrence River Shoreline Workshop on July 22, 2022 at the Dobisky Community Center, 100 Riverside Avenue in Ogdensburg, New York. Funding for the Working with Nature workshop has been provided by the DEC. The workshop is free, however, registration is requested by July 15, 2022, online at, or call 315-312-3042 for assistance.
This workshop provides riverfront property owners, contractors, and environmental practitioners the opportunity to learn how to work with nature to protect the St. Lawrence River shoreline with NYSG Coastal Processes and Hazards Specialist Roy Widrig and speakers from the cooperating agencies and nonprofit environmental organization.
Information will be presented on shoreline erosion processes, natural and nature-based features (NNBF) for addressing erosion issues, and shoreline project permitting. A short field trip to the nearby Fort La Presentation riverfront location will view a living demonstration of nature-based remediation accomplished with New York State Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative (REDI) funds.
“We are pleased to participate in the July 22nd workshop with the opportunity to showcase the nature-based response to restore the natural and historic character of the Fort’s once-militarily strategic and now-economically important riverfront location,” said Fort La Presentation President Barbara O’Keefe.
New York Sea Grant is a cooperative program of Cornell University and the State University of New York and one of 34 university-based programs in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Sea Grant College Program. Since 1971, New York Sea Grant has been “Bringing Science to the Shore” through a network of integrated research, education, and extension services promoting environmental sustainability, coastal community economic vitality, and citizen awareness of New York’s freshwater and marine resources. Learn more at
This low-wave energy location along the St. Lawrence River with a collapsed man-made wall is suitable for applying natural and nature-based features for shoreline erosion management. Photo: NYSG